i cant remember how much but i think its - 25%. I will admit I'm enjoying all the money I have though. Add me if you like, my Pawn is 3rd in the world rankings, yo.
Mainly to finish up any online required stuff. Over the years, your options to play Dragonâ��s Dogma havenâ��t exactly been limited. The early game will be way too difficult while mid to late game in hard mode is actually EASIER. Privacy Polic圜ookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Cool, if my pawn acts up, launch her off a cliff, lol.
But no worries, I finished up the 360 version last night anyway. Most enemies will 1 shot you, though, even bats, lol. it might be worth knowing that you lose exp if you use pawns that are higher level than you. I'm guessing it would be close to impossible to beat on my first playthrough too since people lvl 100+ complain about hard mode and how they get 1 shotted too. Oh, I was thinking those armor pieces were the best in the game, but I'm not much of a collector so if I can get better armor in BBI, I might just change over.