Apart from offering services, the App also offers multiple features that may request the user for a subscription. Now it’s up to the user how he/she recognize their Account ID. Once the account is successfully fetched by the application. All it will ask the user to insert the User ID URL and it will automatically fetch the account. This means the user will never ask to insert user login credentials inside application. The most important part is it never ask the user for any credentials. Which is free to download and integrate inside all android devices. Developers structure this new amazing tool. Therefore considering the stealing problem and user data vulnerability. That may hack plus steal the account data of the registered users without their permission or agreement. Which may help the stealers in hacking multiple essential credentials. Then we found such tools carry suspicious hacking scripts. Over multiple posts including Videos, Pictures, Stories and Live Streaming. Through which the mobile users can easily generate unlimited Likes, Comments, Views and Share. Basically when we search the online market for multiple third-party tools.